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Welcome to The Writing Desk

Specialists in fountain pens - custom nibs, sales of vintage and collectable pens, service and repair

Our website is now closed for the sale of new items - our updated website will be live soon

Our Story

We are Anna and Martin and we have always loved pens. You can read more about us and how we found our way into this unique business on our "About Us" page.

  • Fast Delivery

    Free UK delivery on orders over £35 (overseas shipping from £4.00). Next-day delivery available.

  • Telephone orders welcomed.

    Prefer to order over the phone? No problem.

  • Secure payment

    World-class encryption to protect your payment information.

  • No hassle returns

    Changed your mind? Return for refund or exchange.

Welcome to The Writing Desk

Established in 2000, we are the UK's most experienced specialist independent fountain pen and writing equipment retailer.

Based in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, we have been sending pens, inks and other writing equipment world-wide for over 20 years. Proudly independent, we know about pens & nibs and know how to set them up and repair them.

All premium level fountain pens have their nibs tested and tuned prior to dispatch. We are the only pen retailer to do this as standard, and it is a service we have always offered - so you don't need to ask. We also do custom nibs and pen repairs - just ask for details.