Ink Review - Pilot Iroshizuku yama-budo

Hello, I’m Chrissy and today I’m reviewing Pilot Iroshizuku yama-budo ink. This translates to Crimson Glory Vine and is a bright, deep magenta colour.

Although this colour may be a bit bright for some users, I think it’s fun to use some bright colours like this when writing letters or pages in journals.

I wrote mainly with a Lamy Al-Star pen with medium steel nib. Flow was very good and felt neither wet nor dry, while lubrication at the nib tip was nicely smooth across the page. I thought it was a well-behaved ink.

Yama-budo isn’t a saturated ink but it exhibited a little shading with finer nibs.


  • Flow Rate: Very good.
  • Lubrication: Nicely smooth.
  • Nib Dry-out: Not noticed.
  • Start-up: Immediate.
  • Saturation: Not saturated
  • Show-Through: Some seen on the cheaper additional papers I used, but I could write on the reverse of all of them.
  • Spread / Feathering / Woolly Line: Not seen
  • Nib Creep / “Crud”: Not seen, even after a couple of weeks in the pen.
  • Staining (pen): Not seen after several days - easy clean-up.
  • Staining (hands): Washed off of my hands after three washes.
  • Clogging: Not seen.
  • Water resistance: Not sold as waterproof, and shows little water resistance.
  • Available in 50ml glass bottles.