Can I get a fountain pen with an italic nib?
We stock a number of pens with italic nibs at a wide range of price points.
- Kaweco - pens with chrome trim have the option of 1.1, 1.5, 1.9 or 2.3mm italic nibs. These nibs are flat and untipped but with rounded edges for easy writing. Price range under £20.

- Lamy - all Lamy fountain pens (apart from the 2000) can be fitted with the Lamy "joy" steel nib in either 1.1, 1.5 or 1.9mm sizes (part number Z50). These nibs are flat and untipped with a straight edge but rounded edges for easy flowing writing. The image below is the Lamy Joy, Lamy's "calligraphy" pen. Price range £15 - £200

- Edison - pens with steel nibs have the option of 1.1 or 1.5mm flat, untipped nibs. These nibs have rounded edges for easy flowing writing. The picture is for illustration of the style of Edison pen but does not show an italic nib. Price range under £200

- TWSBI - most TWSBI fountain pens have a 1.1mm or 1.5mm italic option. These nibs are flat and untipped with a straight edge but rounded edges for easy flowing writing. The picture below is the TWSBI Eco which is a great budget calligraphy pen. The Diamond 580, Diamond Mini and Mini Vac as well as the Vac 700R all have italic nib options. Price range £30-£70

- Parker - the Duofold models have fine and medium italic options (there is also a broad italic option available so please ask for details). These nibs are flat-tipped to give a fairly crisp line with the amount of variation between a flat untipped nib and a stub. Price range £300-£400.

- Conway Stewart - Custom ground italic nibs are available for all models to either stub or cursive italic Price range £400+

- Visconti - the "Dream Touch" palladium nib has a 1.3mm stub option, available on the Homo Sapiens, Divini, Medici. (Homo Sapiens Bronze shown with medium nib). Price range £475+

- Sailor - the "music" nib is a broad stub that gives very good line variation. This option is available on some 1911 and Professional Gear models. Price range £125-£400

- Pelikan Some versions of the Traditional Series M200 were made "italic" nib option, not currently available. These nibs is actually more like a stub in that it has tipping but the line variation is quite crisp. We also offer custom ground cursive italic nibs for Pelikan pens. Pen shown with standard nib. Price range £150-£500

Please refer to individual model descriptions for further details and availability.