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Ink Review - Diamine Honey Burst Ink 

Hello, Chrissy here again and today, for The Writing Desk, I’m reviewing Diamine Honey Burst ink. 

This ink is another one of the Diamine Guitar range of inks and the ink colours were designed to represent Gibson colours for their Les Paul guitars.

There are five inks in the series, and they were all exclusive to Germany until January 2019. Now they are in the Diamine standard series of inks available from Diamine and many other retailers.

Diamine Honey Burst is a honey yellow ink. It’s not saturated and exhibits some nice shading. As honey/yellow inks go, it wasn’t too hard to read on the paper. Of the three gold/sand coloured inks in this series, Honey Burst is the lightest.

I found the flow good with the Parker Ellipse, maybe slightly on the dry side with both Lamy pens. Lubrication was fairly smooth across the page while writing with the Parker and it’s 18ct gold nib, but I would have preferred more with the Lamy steel nibs. 

No show through or bleed through on any of the regular papers I tested it on. 

While I was writing with the Parker Ellipse with M nib it dried very quickly, within 5-10 seconds on my Clairefontaine Triomphe writing paper, and on several of the other papers I tested it on. Once dry it didn’t smudge or smear. 

It didn’t suffer from any hard starts or non-starts when I put the uncapped pen down to do swab tests, dry times and water resistance.

It easily washed off of my hands with soap and water and it easily flushed out of my converters and pens just using water. Non staining. 

It’s not a waterproof ink, and exhibits only a little water resistance.


Available in 80ml glass bottles or 30ml plastic bottles.